Fugacities for pure H2O and CO2 and activities on the H2O-CO2 binary

In most mineral reactions studied experimentally, at least one fluid component is directly involved. Usually these reactions involve either dehydration or decarbonation or both.

For the thermodynamic treatment of fluid components a function of state is needed.

For pure H2O and pure CO2, a number of functions of state exist (e.g. Halbach & Chatterjee, 1982; Shmulovich & Shmonov, 1975). For mixtures of H2O and CO2, different functions of state have been proposed (Holloway, 1976; Flowers, 1979; Bowers & Helgeson, 1983; Kerrick & Jacobs 1982). Functions of state for either H2O or CO2 are characterized in most cases by high precision. Functions valid for mixed H2O/CO2 fluids sacrifice some of their precision for the sake of flexibility.

To preserve consistency in all calculations, the fugacities of pure H2O and CO2 and activities of H2O-CO2 mixtures were calculated using the equation of state by Kerrick & Jacobs (1981). This function of state reproduces the available experimental volume data reasonably well in the temperature and pressure range of 350-1000°C and 50-1000 MPa (Ferry & Baumgartner, 1987). Above 1000 MPa, the function of state by Belonoshko & Saxena (1992) was used. For pure H2O and CO2 fluids at temperatures between 200-350°C, the function of state for CO2 by Shmulovich & Shmonov (1975) and the function of state for H2O by Halbach & Chatterjee (1982) were used.

last modified: 8.8.1997 by Matthias Gottschalk